Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What a Week!!

Last week was one of the most fulfilling, most challenging, most tiring week's of my life. Of course, I'm talking about the major ice storm that slowly made it's way over Northeast Arkansas and other parts of the country. Thousands were without power and needed help. I'm thankful for our church and other churches in our area (First General Baptist Church, Maple Grove Baptist Church, First Assembly of God, Trinity Baptist Association, etc.) who stepped up to the challenge. While I'm still feeling the effects of last week, I'm overwhelmed with how a community came together and relationships were formed. God used a disaster and turned it into a blessing (seems to happen frequently). I enjoyed getting to talk and learn the stories of different people. Some of these stories were amazing and others made your eyes tear up. Probably the greatest feeling was not just serving and learning about these people, but seeing a majority of these people who had never been to church or had not been to church in years, in church on Sunday.


1 comment:

  1. I think it's really great how you lay out your beliefs. I'm excited to follow your blog! Thanks for inspiration. I can't wait to see you!
